Post 3: My Pets [Revisited 2021]

"We're gonna talk about our pets."

Cover the following topics:
- How did you get it and what is it?
- What characteristics does it have?
- What importance does it have in your life?
* In case you do not have a pet, let us know about someone you love who owns a pet.

- Comments: Leave a comment on the Teacher's post + 3 of your classmates' posts
- Word Count: 180 

My Chickens

Years ago I got Dulce, and I guess many of my former and current students already know about her. I also guess time has gone by and since the Covid crisis began things have changed in many aspects, or well, so I guess.

Dulce Luna Primorosa
One of the big changes in life in the times of Covid-19 has been that along with Dulce we came to live down the countryside in the Bio Bio region. A lovely, though quite a cold place. Quite green as well, yet the growth of the forestry industry has done its thing, 

As I came here I needed to improve the quality of soil because it was rather dry and "sandy" so nothing was growing, I needed to give the soil organic matter, add nutrients and so and so. That's why by looking into theory and practice about farming and biodynamics I found out that chicken manure was the best product to do it. And obviously, instead of buying it I decided to have some chicken pets selected from cute varieties, hopefully, all of them from a Mapuche chicken origin. (hipster alert?!) LOL!!.

Mapuche EggsThat same afternoon, decision made, I set myself up for building up a chicken shelter and went to get my chicken from a local family who sells "country eggs" (In Chile these eggs are produced in family farms, eggs tend to be blueish and the egg yolks tend to be a bit "orangey" in colour, they are really popular but not mass-produced). 

And that's how I got my new Chickens. I named them with vernacular names and the rooster is called Coyán which in Mapudungun means beech tree (for its strength), the eldest hen is called Ayelén which means "joyfulness" and the youngest hen is Suyay which comes from Quechua and it means "hope". I think they are very beautiful! 

Ayelén y CoyánSuyay

They are a very funny bunch, they make me laugh a lot and when I observe the social dynamics they have, it blows my mind! they actually take good care of each other, they share their food, and if they find anything yummy they call each other and they share. If one of them cackles in alarm, they rush to see if they are alright!. 

Now my Pet "family" is bigger and a lot more exciting every day, now I have eggs daily, natural eggs yummy! Also, the soil in my yard has improved so much that now I have grass and lots of invasive grass or also called bad weed, which is both funny but positive because before there was only sand and now it's all green. 


  1. When I was younger I had the opportunity to live in the countryside surrounded by many animals, among them chickens, birds that are more intelligent than is believed.

  2. Hi professor, I hope you are very well. I really liked how you used Mapuche words to name your pets and I loved te history of the crop!!! your little dog is very cute!

  3. Teacher! Your pets are beautiful, I also had chickens once, but the dogs killed them as soon as the open corral was found :(

  4. Hi professor, your pets are so cute!! I would like to live in the countryside, and have a big and beautiful farm, regards.

  5. Hi teacher. Growing your own vegetables is very comforting!

  6. hi teacher, how fun it must be to get up every morning to take out the fresh eggs and have a delicious breakfast !!!

  7. Hello, birds are usually pretty but they also have a bad temperament.

  8. Literally Dulce looks very sweet in the photo jaja.

  9. Hi teacher! WOW!! I love her names, I love your chickens! And how delicious to take out natural eggs!!

  10. Hello teacher, how interesting to have chickens as pets, how delicious to have field eggs every day.

  11. Hi teacher, I think it's very interesting to have a chicken as a pet is not so common to see it

  12. Hi teacher!
    I loved the names of their animals, they are very original and symbolic.

  13. hello teacher! honestly I couldn't have chickens because they scare me haha, but it looks a great pet family by the way

  14. What a wonderful history! I didn't know you have a beautiful dog, I love her name! And about your chickens, if I'm honest, they scare me a lot haha, but also their names are cute, I love their meaning.

  15. Hi teacher, you look like a very entertaining and diverse family of pets, I imagine you must be very happy.

  16. I have never seen real colored eggs before:o

  17. Incredible mister, that it is been interested in agriculture and what better that contribute with his pets
    I love that their chickens are of Mapuche origin, I loved their names

  18. i would like have a chicken like a pet

  19. Wow, I never have seen eggs like that, I only knew supermarket eggs, every day we learn new things :D

  20. That is amazing, I love when people remember the aboriginal languages. And I like the eggs from a farm than tje supermarket, in other words, chiken free

  21. Hi teacher, I'm not a fan of chickens, but Dulce looks very cute in the photo!

  22. Hi teacher! some time ago I had chickens too, I loved them!

  23. Hi professor, your pet family is so cute! Your idea of building a chicken shelter is very cool, I don't know if I would have the patience for that.

  24. Hi teacher, it´s great and really cute to read about how your pet chickens take care of each other!

  25. it is very sweet that he has a hen and takes care of her like that.

  26. Dulce looks very healthy, her hair is so beautiful, you made a good work taking care of her.

  27. Hi, I think to have chicken like pets is really funny, when I was children I liked to run behind the chickens of my aunt and also I loved eat its eggs.

  28. It is interesting that the hens, also in the personal field eggs are richer than the others

  29. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  30. Hi! I liked the photos of your pets, they are beautiful! and I very like their names and their meaning.

  31. What an interesting names for your pets I love it

  32. Hi! my dog's name is Alegria ! how interesting to know that Ayelén means the same thing!!

  33. it's amazing how pets can bring life to a home, and in times of covid they become even more important.

  34. wow how cool to have chickens as pets, for a moment I thought they were collonca breed chickens, but I was wrong or not?

  35. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  36. It's so interesting how your life changed in this pandemic.

  37. It's great that your pets have made the land fertile, I remember that in Spain they also used chickens to turn a desert land into an orange grove.

  38. Hi! I remember my grandfather had chickens as pets and they were very funny, I woke up all days with their sounds JAJAJ.

  39. hello! your pets are beautiful and it must be fun to live with chickens, when I was younger and went to Rancagua I used to see my cousin's chickens but I was afraid to go near them because they could peck me hahahahahah!

  40. Hi teacher, your pet is so cute, when I look her I just can think in hug her because looks so adorable jaja

  41. Oh, teacher, I love chickens! When I was a child I used to visit my father's family at Paine and visit their chickens, I loved feeding them.

  42. What an interesting history Professor. To have a place with lots of grass, your pets were very helpful. I liked the meaning of names of the birds.

  43. Hi teacher!
    I love see when chickens walk, is funny to me hahaha

  44. how cool! as a child I always wanted to have a pet chicken! but I was never permited to have one :C

  45. Wow, your pets are really cute! I've never had a chiken as a pet, it must has been a big responsability

  46. Hi teacher, I really like how original your pet names are and that each one has a meaning.

  47. Besides being part of his family, they helped you improve the land for crops, you must love them very much.

  48. I like chickens when I was child in the countryside I wake up early to play with them

  49. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  50. Hello teacher, glad to hear the condition of the soil improve and that now there's a lot of grass, altough the bad weed sounds like a new problem.

  51. Hi teacher, chickens are very pretty, I would like to have one, although I don't think the same about roosters.


  52. how interesting the social dynamics of chickens :o

  53. Hello teacher ... it seems unusual to have chickens as pets, but my wife when she was little also had a pet chick

  54. Hello teacher! your pets are very cute, chickens must be interesting, I loved their names!

  55. Hi professor, i think that is interesting see colorful eggs and picture of the dog it is nice

  56. Those Mapuche chickens are very interesting, the ones I know are the collonca hens, native to the south of Chile and they do not have a tail. teacher you have a cute family of pets.

  57. Wow, what a decision teacher, I love dogs and I have never had chickens jjijiiji it must be cool

  58. hello teacher, I would like to have chickens but my yard is very small:(

  59. Hello!! I love idea of having so different types of pets, I want to have chickens and your pets are very cute

  60. Hello teacher, your pets are very beautiful, I would love to have chickens.

  61. i like dogs so much, i have never had chickens but i would like to have couple chicken, and a lot of other animals haha i like animals so much

  62. Hi teacher, I would like to have chickens. Dulce and your chickens looks so cute.

  63. Hello teacher.
    What a great decision. I hope that now you can think of a vegetable garden, it is very gratifying to see nature come to life.


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